Benutzerdefinierte Suche


 Overview | Missiles | Windstalker Missile

emptyWindstalker Missile




emtpy22,22 km


emtpy179 m/s

emptynumber of missiles


emptytime until self-destruction

emtpy124 s

emptyneeded rank to buy


emptyneeded container-type


emptyneeded container-volume

emtpy1 units

emptyPrice (min)

emtpy5.864 Cr

emptyPrice (average)

emtpy6.740 Cr

emptyPrice (max)

emtpy7.616 Cr

"One of the most powerful missiles in the synaptic range, the Windstalker has been proven to bring an edge to any combat pilot's weapons portfolio. Good speed and yield make this missile a wise choice for attack runs and interception of mid-range craft. Where covert operations without scanner use are required, the Windstalker is unsurpassed. "

emptyShips which can use this missile:

emptyArgon Buster

emptyArgon Buster Raider

emptyArgon Buster Sentinel

emptyArgon Buster Vanguard

emptyArgon Centaur

emptyArgon Colossus

emptyArgon Eclipse

emptyArgon Nova

emptyArgon Nova Raider

emptyArgon Nova Sentinel

emptyArgon Nova Vanguard

emptyArgon Titan

emptyBoron Barracuda

emptyBoron Barracuda Raider

emptyBoron Barracuda Sentinel

emptyBoron Barracuda Vanguard

emptyBoron Hydra

emptyBoron Mako

emptyBoron Mako Raider

emptyBoron Mako Sentinel

emptyBoron Mako Vanguard

emptyBoron Ray

emptyBoron Shark

emptyParanid Hyperion

emptyParanid Medusa

emptyParanid Nemesis

emptyParanid Odysseus

emptyParanid Pericles

emptyParanid Pericles Raider

emptyParanid Pericles Sentinel

emptyParanid Pericles Vanguard

emptyParanid Perseus

emptyParanid Perseus Raider

emptyParanid Perseus Sentinel

emptyParanid Perseus Vanguard

emptyParanid Zeus

emptyPirate Buster

emptyPirate Buster Hauler

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emptyPirate Buzzard Vanguard

emptyPirate Falcon

emptyPirate Falcon Vanguard

emptyPirate Nova

emptyPirate Nova Raider

emptySplit Chimera

emptySplit Dragon

emptySplit Mamba

emptySplit Mamba Raider

emptySplit Mamba Sentinel

emptySplit Mamba Vanguard

emptySplit Python

emptySplit Raptor

emptyTeladi Buzzard

emptyTeladi Buzzard Hauler

emptyTeladi Buzzard Sentinel

emptyTeladi Buzzard Vanguard

emptyTeladi Condor

emptyTeladi Falcon

emptyTeladi Falcon Hauler

emptyTeladi Falcon Sentinel

emptyTeladi Falcon Vanguard

emptyTeladi Osprey

emptyTeladi Osprey Raider

emptyTeladi Osprey Sentinel

emptyTeladi Osprey Vanguard

emptyTeladi Phoenix

emptyXenon J

emptyXenon K

emptyXenon L

emptyXenon LX

emptyXenon M

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